Zum Kennenlernen Online Taster Lessons - 3 spannende Themen - je 45 Minuten- kostenfrei!

Online Sprachtraining jetzt kennenlernen!

jeweils von 16.00 – 16.45 Uhr

Lernen, Sie SPIDI ONLINE kennen – wir haben spannende Themen zusammengestellt!

 Wir laden Sie ein, persönliche Sprachtrainings im virtuellen Raum kennenzulernen. Kostenfrei und unverbindlich.

Wählen Sie Ihr Online-Training:



13.08.2024 – 16.00h

Which types of leaves do you know? How do you say “Karenz” in English? Is “home office” a correct expression?

If you are not sure, sign up for this taster lesson and let’s work on:

  • Common employee benefits
  • Discussing and comparing benefits
  • Germanisms to avoid




    14.08.2024 – 16.00h

    What does “as far as I’m concerned” mean? Is “you have right” a correct phrase?

    If you are not sure, sign up for this taster lesson and practice:

    • Agreeing and disagreeing
    • Discussing with others
    • Office and work-related vocabulary




    21.08.2024 – 16.00h

    “Tell me this again”, “Speak slower!”, “What do you talk about?!”

    If you use these phrases during meetings, you should sign up for this taster lesson and practice:

    • Phrases to check understanding
    • Using polite English
    • Formulating proper questions





    13.08.2024 – 16.00h 

    Which types of leaves do you know? How do you say “Karenz” in English? Is “home office” a correct expression?

    If you are not sure, sign up for this taster lesson and let’s work on:

    • Common employee benefits
    • Discussing and comparing benefits
    • Germanisms to avoid



        14.08.2024 – 16.00h

        What does “as far as I’m concerned” mean? Is “you have right” a correct phrase?

        If you are not sure, sign up for this taster lesson and practice:

        • Agreeing and disagreeing
        • Discussing with others
        • Office and work-related vocabulary


            KEEPING TRACK

            21.08.2024 – 16.00h

            “Tell me this again”, “Speak slower!”, “What do you talk about?!” effectively?

            If you use these phrases during meetings, you should sign up for this taster lesson and practice:

            • Phrases to check understanding
            • Using polite English
            • Formulating proper questions,

              Wichtige Informationen zu unseren Taster Lessons

              • Die Teilnahme an unseren TASTER LESSONS ist kostenlos und unverbindlich.
              • Alle Veranstalungen dauern 45 Minuten und werden von Maxime Genin geleitet.
              • Die Anzahl der TeilnehmerInnen ist beschränkt, da wir Ihnen ein authentisches Sprachkurs-Erlebnis vermitteln wollen.
              • Die verfügbaren Plätze vergeben wir nach dem Prinzip „First come, first served“
              • Die Online-Trainings können einzeln gebucht werden
              Maxime Genin, SPIDI Team

              Ihr Referent: Maxime Genin

              +43 1 236 17 17-0

              Anmeldung TASTER LESSONS

              Ich melde mich zum kostenfreien ONLINE-TRAINING an:



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